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  • +92 300 6224665
  • Block L, Khayaban-e-Amin, Lahore

Khaka Making Services

At Creativ Sourcing, we specialize in crafting Khakas to enhance your textile creations. Our skilled team meticulously designs and creates Khakas tailored to your specifications, ensuring each piece is crafted with precision and care. Whether you need intricate patterns for traditional garments, standardized templates for modern designs, or unique motifs for special projects, our expertise ensures quality and attention to detail in every Khaka we make.

Understanding the importance of Khakas in textile production, we focus on crafting designs that not only enhance the visual appeal but also optimize the production process. Our artisans pay close attention to every detail, from the design intricacies to the fabric characteristics, ensuring that each Khaka meets your requirements and aligns with your creative vision. By infusing your brand's identity into each Khaka, we help you create textiles that are unique, stylish, and true to your brand.


Choose Creativ Sourcing for top-notch Khaka crafting services that elevate your textile creations. Our dedicated team is committed to delivering Khakas that meet the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship, ensuring that your textiles stand out in the market. Let us collaborate to create Khakas that bring your vision to life and set your brand apart in the textile industry.